Instapot Chicken Enchiladas from Charlotte Cobb

  • 5 Chicken breasts, frozen 

  • 20 Corn tortillas

  • 2 Jars of Siete Green Enchilada Sauce (Whole Foods)

  • 1 Can Rotel, Mexican style lime and cilantro flavor

  • Mexican Shredded Cheese

  • 1 Cup of chicken stock/broth

  1. Preheat oven to 350

  2. Season Chicken breasts with your favorite seasoning (We use salt, pepper, onion power and garlic powder). Add Chicken and your chicken stock to the instapot. Set instapot to pressure cook for 20 minutes. 

  3. Once chicken is done in 20 minutes, remove chicken and discard stock. Shred the chicken into a large bowl, and mix rotel, and half a jar of the green enchilada sauce. Mix thoroughly. 

  4. In a 9×13 baking pan, take a handful of the chicken mixture and roll it into your corn tortillas, making a taco/enchilada. Repeat this step until your baking pan is full. 

  5. Once the bottom of the pan is full of the rolled tortillas, cover them with more tortillas so that all the enchiladas are covered with one, flat layer of tortillas. About 4 tortillas.

  6. Cover this tortilla layer with the remaining green enchilada sauce and cover with a layer of shredded cheese. 

  7. Bake in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and everything is hot. 

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